Saturday, February 4, 2017

Trusting God

It does take courage. But through experience, we learn that we have greater inner peace, deeper insights, and joy (and or understanding) when we do. I've experienced this so many times that I eventually learned to trust God, and to see and trust the brilliance in His solutions or resolutions (I may still experience a level of fear, but I trust Him to have His hand in and on my life). I've also learned that when I can settle into that trust, I let go of most or all of my stress. One night, while speaking with God, I expressed my admiration and appreciation for His wisdom. He then asked me a question that sent me onto the path I needed to travel. The question: "Do you trust my love as much as you trust my wisdom?" Like many, my experience had been that love was conditional. I realized I didn't trust God's love for me. After all, how could he love me with all my imperfections? If your life lesson has been one that says you will be worthy of love once you're perfect (or worthy of someone's approval), it's time to realize that, yes, that may be the way with some people in your life, but not with God. You are loved beyond measure. He knows your heart.

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