Friday, October 30, 2020

Has Your Brain (and Life) Been Hijacked?


During these covid-driven, quality-of-life-affecting months (it’s mid-October 2020 as I write this), those with eyes to see and ears to hear have observed how many of our idols and addictions are junk food, a false substitute for what genuinely nourishes us. Some fell deeper into that deceptive miasma, and desperately need our prayers. Some, once their attention was diverted, sat up and took notice of what they’d given too much of themselves to that wasn’t worth it. They saw what could be lost if they didn’t shift their attention to who and what is important. They realized that while too many have spent hours out of touch with God, the Adversary got serious about taking up squatters rights in our country, our families, and our lives.

Continue reading the full article here:

Thursday, October 29, 2020

What Blocks Prayers Being Answered?

During my morning time with God, and while reading Matthew 20 and 21, this realization entered my mind and heart:

Absolute faith (trust) in God requires absolute humility before and to God.

And then I opened Paul E. Billheimer's book, Destined for the Throne, to pick up reading where I'd left off, which happened to be about Paul's "thorn in his side," which he asked three times for God to remove, and each time, God refused for a specific reason: For Paul's protection. The following two paragraphs are found in that section on page 86.

     "... The sands of time are strewn with the wrecks of the broken lives of many who were once mightily used of God, but who suffered shipwreck upon the rocks of spiritual pride. This explains why Watchman Nee says that God's great work is to reduce us, that is, our ego. For until God has wrought a work of true humility and brokenness in His servants, He cannot answer some of their prayers without undue risk of producing the pride that goes before a fall. If God could trust the petitioner to keep lowly, who knows how many more answers to prayer He would readily give.

    "This principle may also explain why answers to prayer for healing sometimes are not received. If the answer to prayer for healing in Paul's case was hazardous to him, how much more so may it be in many others. Although no one since Paul has ever had as much reason to be exalted because of the abundance of revelations, very few have his ability to keep humble. Is it possible that one reason why some are not healed is that God sees they too might be lifted up with spiritual pride and 'fall into the condemnation of the devil'? If God felt it advisable to withhold the answer to Paul's prayer for healing to keep him humble, may this not explain the failure of some other prayers for healing?"

This pride-factor is something each of us, who call ourselves Christians, needs to be aware of. It's far too easy for any of us, and most especially those with a more public standing as representatives of His Church, to forget it's always, always, always about Yeshua/Jesus. The micro-second it becomes about us, we're falling out of humility and into Satan's camp. I know--I know! It's all to easy to do so, especially because ....

That "dead-on-accurate" meme that "puts them in their place," or the one we create or share that degrades "those people who deserve it," and on and on, wherever our Satan-directed pride takes us, takes us further from where we need to be as representatives of our Father and His Kingdom, as well as obedient to His commands about such matters. 

Pride. It's the greatest and trickiest stumbling block Satan has in order to capture us and lock us into a prison with bars invisible to our spiritual awareness. He's an expert in pride--it's what got him cast out of Heaven and made him an eternal spiritual orphan (something he works very hard at making all of us; after all, what better way to hurt a Father than to destroy His sons and daughters made in His image). 

Pride causes us to make fun of others, or degrade or criticize them, or do all sorts of things other than what God commanded: Pray for them. I do this a little differently: I ask Him to forgive me, starting with the sin of pride and where it leads me far too often. I ask Him to forgive all of us who are saved and those who still can be, to cover all our sins with the blood of Yeshua/Jesus -- not one of us can claim to be free of sin. Not one. I ask Him to continue to open all our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to HIS TRUTH.

Our world, our country (USA), our lives have been turned upside-down, relatively overnight. For His Remnant, part of our prayers is that His Kingdom come, His will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. To us, those are more than a line of words of a prayer recited too often by rote, rather than meant with full heart-and-soul reverence for our Father God and how they relate to what He has promised us. These upside-down times require trust in the Lord. And, I offer that this needs to be absolute trust that needs to grow exponentially, sooner than later

We cannot do this on our own. This is the work of Holy Spirit in us: We must ask the Father for His help with this. Just know that the cleaner and clearer we are as temples of God, the more uncluttered space we provide for Holy Spirit to abide in us. If you wouldn't say it or do it with Yeshua/Jesus standing next to you, it probably doesn't belong in your temple.

Absolute faith (trust) in God requires absolute humility before and to God. 

What is the full measure of absolute humility before and to our Father God? 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Love of the Word

You know how much I love words used well, Lord, so how could I do anything other than love You most of all--Divine Poet, Word of God?

                                                        Image: Prince of Peace by Akiane

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Seek the Lord Now, While You Still Cam

You see what's happening in the world. You see where some intend--are determined--to take us and this world. It's just as our Lord forewarned us. So...

Thursday, October 22, 2020

THE BEST BOOK ON PRAYER and A Christian’s Duty to Intercede I’ve Ever Read

THE BEST BOOK ON PRAYER and A Christian’s Duty to Intercede I’ve Ever Read
Excerpts from what Max Lucado referred to as “A profound study on the topic of prayer,” Paul Billheimer’s book, Destined for the Throne.
From page 53:
Although to the natural mind this seems utter nonsense, it is nevertheless true. In spite of all her lamentable weaknesses, appalling failures, and indefensible shortcomings, the Church is the mightiest force for civilization and enlightened social consciousness in the world today. IT WAS TRUE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD THAT AS THE KNOWLEDGE OF AND REVERENCE FOR GOD DISAPPEARED, MORAL CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMPLETELY DESTROYED THE SOCIAL ORDER. [Emphasis mine.] ….
It is the same today. The only force in the world that is contesting Satan’s total rule in human affairs is the Church of the living God…. If it were not for the totally selfless love displayed on the cross, total selfishness would reign supreme. And total selfishness means total hostility. Total hostility means total anarchy—AND THAT MEANS HELL. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 55:
Daniel Webster said, “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we or our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” IN THE LIGHT OF THE PRESENT DISSOLUTION OF OUR EXISTING SOCIAL AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, THESE WORDS SEEM AMAZINGLY PROPHETIC. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 56:
Knowing that IT IS GOD’S WILL TO SAVE ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT CROSSED THAT MYSTERIOUS BOUNDARY KNOWN AS THE DEADLINE, may the Church pray for the salvation of a specific individual in the assurance that he will be saved? Or, must the Church’s faith be tempered by the fact that that person is a free moral agent and that God never saves anyone against his will? Must we say, as we often do, that because so and so is a free moral agent, all we can do is to pray and leave the rest to him and God? [Emphasis mine.]
Since God has assured us that it is His will that all men be saved, we therefore know that when we pray for the salvation of anyone WHO HAS NOT CROSSED THE DEADLINE of final and permanent impenitence, we are praying according to His will. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 57:
Is not this the general pattern of the journey from rebellion to surrender? Jesus says, “No man can come to me except the Father . . . draw him” (John 6:44). And the Father always draws by means of His Spirit. Since God is no respecter of persons and wills that all shall be saved, and therefore without exception faithfully seeks all (John 1:9), why is the Spirit’s wooing successful in some cases and not in others? Is it because in some instances God is so “powerless” that He cannot prevail? Or is it that some are the subjects of powerful, importunate, and believing intercession, while others have no one to pray for them? If Wesley is correct in saying that “God does nothing but in answer to prayer,” then this must include the salvation of souls. This, then, means that no soul is saved apart from intercession, and that every soul who is saved, is saved because someone—WHO WOULD NOT GIVE HIM UP TO SATAN—prayed. [Emphasis mine.]

Monday, October 19, 2020

Who God Is

The first time I read these, I wept as I read them aloud.

He is our Abba Father

He is our Advocate

He is the Almighty

He is our All in All

He is the Alpha and Omega

He is the Ancient of Days

He is the Anointed One

He is the Author and Finisher of Our Faith

He is the Beginning and the End

He is the Bread of Life

He is our Bridegroom

He is the Bright Morning Star

He is the Captain of the Lord’s Host

He is the Chosen One

He is the Christ

He is the Son of the Living God

He is our Comforter

He is an All Consuming Fire

He is our Counselor

He is our Creator

He is our Deliverer

He is our Dwelling Place

He is Emmanuel

He is the Everlasting God

His Name is Faithful and True

He is our Foundation

He is a Fountain of Living Water

He is our Friend

He is a Gift of God

He is God Over All

He is the Head of the Body

He is the Head of the Church

He is the Holy One

He is our Blessed Hope

He is the Great I AM

He is Jehovah

He is Jesus

He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

He is the Lamb of God

He is Life

He is the Light of the World

He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

He is the Living God

He is Living Water

He is the Lord of All

He is the Lord of Glory

He is Love

He is your Maker

He is our Merciful God

He is Messiah

He is the Mighty God

He is the Only Begotten Son

He is our Passover Lamb

He is our Peace

He is the Great Physician

He is the Prince of Peace

He is our Redeemer

He is our Refuge and our Strength

He is the Righteous One

He is the Rock of our Salvation

He is our Savior

He is the Son of God

He is the Son of Man

He is the Son of the Most High

He is our Source

He is our Strength

He is our Stronghold

He is our Strong Tower

He is our Teacher

He is True Light

He is the Vine

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

His name is Wonderful

He is the Word of God

Excerpted in part from Jesus: The Premise of the Promise

by Stephen Quayle (minus the Scripture notations)

Here's the link to Steve's books, etc.

FYI: This is not an affiliate link, nor do I receive any compensation for sharing this with you.

Final Warning -- For Such A Time As This

Minute upon minute, I sat fixated as I listened to these incredible men and women of God share valid information for such a time as this. 

Quality: Professional out the wazoo, as is everything Steve Quayle creates to the Glory of our God.

Effect: Riveting, informative, a get-on-your-knees-to-God wake-up, shake-up for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Timing: The weekend came and went, BUT you can order the DVDs, which are shipping now (see the link below).

Watch A Preview Now:

Order the DVDs Now, Here:

And so you know, this is not an affiliate link, nor do I get any compensation for sharing this with you. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Point of Interest about the First Adam and the Last Adam (Yeshua/Jesus)

 Adonai, God, made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

- Genesis 3:21 CJB

God said the wages of sin is death, hence the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament and in the New--up to the point of the Victory of the Cross. The blood of the animals didn't cleanse people of their sins, but God made it so that the blood covered their sins.

Which brings me back to Adam and Havah/Eve in Genesis 3:21. They had sinned and felt their nakedness (spiritual as well as physical). The wages of sin is death... but, it seems, not solely for the sinners. In order for their now-sinful spiritual and physical nakedness to be covered, God had to shed blood in order to cover their nakedness and, therefore, their sin. 

If you don't know this already, you may appreciate learning that the Hebrew meaning of Yeshua is Salvation; so every time you read the word "salvation" in the Old and New Testaments, you're reading the name of Yeshua/Jesus. 

Yeshua/Jesus -- the Last Adam, aka as the Second Adam to some -- God come to Earth in the flesh, shed HIS OWN BLOOD to pay for OUR sins, should we choose to receive the Redemption He paid for us, and all that comes with that, that is, what is required of us as Born Again in the Spirit.

I find that what I call "a first" as written about above also connects to another "first" found in Matthew 15:21-28 CJB.

Yeshua left that place and went off to the region of Tzor and Tzidon. A woman from Kena‘an who was living there came to him, pleading, “Sir, have pity on me. Son of David! My daughter is cruelly held under the power of demons!” But Yeshua did not say a word to her. Then his talmidim came to him and urged him, “Send her away, because she is following us and keeps pestering us with her crying.” He said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Isra’el.” But she came, fell at his feet and said, “Sir, help me!” He answered, “It is not right to take the children’s food and toss it to their pet dogs.” She said, “That is true, sir, but even the dogs eat the leftovers that fall from their master’s table.” Then Yeshua answered her, “Lady, you are a person of great trust. Let your desire be granted.” And her daughter was healed at that very moment.

This woman was a Gentile. She didn't have the benefit of the heritage and generations of teachings the Hebrews did. Most of them missed the signs of the time; she had no idea about what to look for--only what she could see with her own eyes and hear with her own ears. She, untutored, through her powerful love for her daughter (a perfect love that cast out all fear), believed He, Yeshua/Jesus, could set her daughter free from the demonic prison that held the girl and their family captive. She wasn't going to let go of this. But it wasn't her persistence that made the difference--it was her total trust in Him and His authority--that she had either witnessed or heard about. 

Just as Yeshua/Jesus was the First Fruits of the Resurrection, this mother was the first fruits, you might say, of the Gentiles.

Havah/Eve persuaded Adam to sin, which led to God's first sacrifice to cover mankind's sins that required blood to be shed.

The First Adam sinned and brought death upon us. The Last Adam redeemed us, giving us the choice to choose eternal resurrected life or the eternal second death.

Yeshua/Jesus shed His blood to cleanse our sins, first, when we receive what He did for us on the Cross, and then each time we repent for our sins.

Havah/Eve "persuaded" the First Adam to sin; the Gentile mother "persuaded" Yeshua/the Last Adam to Save.

The Gentile mother's love caused her to not leave Yeshua/Jesus alone until He saved her daughter. Yeshua/Jesus' love for us is what kept Him on the Cross; it certainly wasn't the nails.

The love of that mother opened the door to Redemption for Gentiles. The love of our Lord not only opened that door but keeps it open as long as possible for even the most rebellious to receive the Gift of Grace and Redemption He paid for us with His blood.

As Pastor J.D. Farag says, it's a matter the the A, B, C's:

Admit you're a sinner.

Believe Jesus paid with His blood on the Cross to redeem you.

Call on the Lord and ask Him to lead you.

Signing off now... thankful to have left the New Age Deception for the Faithful and True Rock of Ages...

The peace of the Lord be upon you and yours.

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Woke in this world means you suffer in the next...for eternity.

“Today, if you hear God’s voice, don’t harden your hearts.” 

- Hebrews 4:7 CJB