THE BEST BOOK ON PRAYER and A Christian’s Duty to Intercede I’ve Ever Read
Excerpts from what Max Lucado referred to as “A profound study on the topic of prayer,” Paul Billheimer’s book, Destined for the Throne.
From page 53:
Although to the natural mind this seems utter nonsense, it is nevertheless true. In spite of all her lamentable weaknesses, appalling failures, and indefensible shortcomings, the Church is the mightiest force for civilization and enlightened social consciousness in the world today. IT WAS TRUE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD THAT AS THE KNOWLEDGE OF AND REVERENCE FOR GOD DISAPPEARED, MORAL CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMPLETELY DESTROYED THE SOCIAL ORDER. [Emphasis mine.] ….
It is the same today. The only force in the world that is contesting Satan’s total rule in human affairs is the Church of the living God…. If it were not for the totally selfless love displayed on the cross, total selfishness would reign supreme. And total selfishness means total hostility. Total hostility means total anarchy—AND THAT MEANS HELL. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 55:
Daniel Webster said, “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we or our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” IN THE LIGHT OF THE PRESENT DISSOLUTION OF OUR EXISTING SOCIAL AND POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, THESE WORDS SEEM AMAZINGLY PROPHETIC. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 56:
Knowing that IT IS GOD’S WILL TO SAVE ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT CROSSED THAT MYSTERIOUS BOUNDARY KNOWN AS THE DEADLINE, may the Church pray for the salvation of a specific individual in the assurance that he will be saved? Or, must the Church’s faith be tempered by the fact that that person is a free moral agent and that God never saves anyone against his will? Must we say, as we often do, that because so and so is a free moral agent, all we can do is to pray and leave the rest to him and God? [Emphasis mine.]
Since God has assured us that it is His will that all men be saved, we therefore know that when we pray for the salvation of anyone WHO HAS NOT CROSSED THE DEADLINE of final and permanent impenitence, we are praying according to His will. [Emphasis mine.] ….
From page 57:
Is not this the general pattern of the journey from rebellion to surrender? Jesus says, “No man can come to me except the Father . . . draw him” (John 6:44). And the Father always draws by means of His Spirit. Since God is no respecter of persons and wills that all shall be saved, and therefore without exception faithfully seeks all (John 1:9), why is the Spirit’s wooing successful in some cases and not in others? Is it because in some instances God is so “powerless” that He cannot prevail? Or is it that some are the subjects of powerful, importunate, and believing intercession, while others have no one to pray for them? If Wesley is correct in saying that “God does nothing but in answer to prayer,” then this must include the salvation of souls. This, then, means that no soul is saved apart from intercession, and that every soul who is saved, is saved because someone—WHO WOULD NOT GIVE HIM UP TO SATAN—prayed. [Emphasis mine.]
Wesley put it beautifully and succinctly: “God does nothing but in answer to prayer,” then this must include the salvation of souls. This, then, means that no soul is saved apart from intercession, and that every soul who is saved, is saved because someone—WHO WOULD NOT GIVE HIM UP TO SATAN—prayed.
ReplyDeleteThrough decades of prayers and tears, St. Monica effected conversion of her dissolute son, Augustine, who became a doctor of the Catholic church. Yes, incessant prayer works.