Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Imagine it's your life in jeopardy: You'd appreciate several thousand people -- tens of thousands, in fact -- praying for you. To that end, calling all Prayer Warriors, and asking you to share this call-to-prayer far and wide.

The Patriot Nurse has done three nighttime intercession watches regarding this matter. Day or Night, let's keep the prayer watch going. Whatever time of day you can do a prayer watch is fine. As she said, Whatever time that is, is the time God our Father assigned to you. 

So... get your Bible, something to drink, and be ready to pray. You have several options to accommodate your schedule:

3:45:34 -- 

1:30:05 --

1:04:50 --

Please -- invite other Believers to intercede as well, whether that's one more person or your church. 

Please -- don't hesitate to do this every day for as long as needed. Nor do we need to limit this: There are many situations that need such prayer.

May God our Father rain down His grace, mercy, strength, and peace that surpasses all understanding upon all who call Him Lord and King, and may He lead the lost to repentance, deliverance, salvation, and redemption through Jesus Christ. All Glory, Honor, and Praise be to our God, from eternity past to eternity future. In thanksgiving and praise, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I join in prayer for Americans without hope of returning to the U.S. I pray for their safety and trust in God for their deliverance.
