Monday, November 30, 2020


    I realize there are those who don't want to believe that God chooses all kings and leaders for His own purposes, but it's true. And this includes appointing the leaders we deserve. Oy.

    The other morning I was reading Nehemiah 9 and came to a full stop when I read verse 37, and felt the burden of the truth of it: 

Sadly, that's more true today than we might have imagined.

    Here's the link to the exact text I read, which I invite you to read (this version is much easier and also more accurate than the KJV, as this version was translated by the scholar renowned for his expertise in not only the language but the culture):

    At this time (Nov. 30, 2020), God is still keeping to Himself who it is He will position as our president for the next four years. No need to scream or screech: That statement is from the legal aspect, and it is a fact that this election is, legally, according to our Constitution, not as yet settled. Back to the topic at hand...

    This verse 39 brought to mind how our treatment of abortion has led to God making sure that if the right to shed the blood of the innocent is what we want (or will allow), and which He considers an abomination worthy of eternity in Hell, then He'll give us leaders to ensure it. As one Scripture says, He'll let us get spiritually drunk on the blood we're so willing to shed, as this 1:09-minute video proves: 

    Two origins of abortion in our land are intriguing. First, the woman who founded Planned Parenthood did so in order to rid society of undesirables (that is, undesirable in her opinion, an opinion shared by other elites). The predominant so-said undesirables were Blacks. Only now, after all this time, has this fact caused Planned Parent to attempt to disassociate themselves from her--because of how it looks, now that more people know the truth. Second, the woman Roe v. Wade was about, never actually had an abortion.

    Let's consider some of the results of what was supposed to be a "safe and rare" procedure for limited causes.

    In a number of states, we can now kill healthy babies in the womb at any time for any reason (though, we've been doing this by the millions each year for decades). We can vacuum them out of existence, dismember them, scald them for hours or days while their tender skin cracks and blackens--and that's only the external effects.... We're very creative in how abortion gets done. [No apologies for using the word "kill." Deliberately ending a life is killing. Ending an innocent life is murder.] To continue...

    We now have female Satanists, who get pregnant easily, admitting they do so often and willingly. They and whomever then perform satanic rites as they kill the baby in the womb (or outside of it), because Satan prefers the fresh blood of the innocent (I didn't make this up; there are articles about this on the Internet, at least for now).

    We have people saying a "fetus" isn't a baby until the mother or parents bring it home and say it is. I heard one man in a video say he firmly believes people should have up to two years, after bringing the baby home, to decide whether to abort the child or not. He's in favor of taking offspring home "on approval." If the child doesn't measure up for some reason.... He didn't clarify, nor did the interviewer ask, what that method of "abortion" would entail. 

    Some abortionists now prefer to wait until the fourth month or later to then dilate the uterus (dangerous for the woman) so the live baby is aborted intact ... because they need to be able to remove the still-beating heart for whomever it is who's in the market for these hearts as well as the other organs and body parts. Four months or older are preferable organ sizes. And, as reported, some don't use anesthetics on the baby before removing the tiny, beating heart. Take a half a second to let that sink in.

    We have some who are adamant that should a baby survive an abortion, and can still live if given needed medical treatment, nothing should be done for it other than make it comfortable until it dies. Obviously, these are the babies whose body parts haven't been claimed or paid for or aren't to be involved in satanic rituals.

    Some abortionists have been known to save the remains in jars on shelves, or in their walls (as the Pagans saved their ritually aborted babies in the walls of Jericho).

    Then there are the other "advantages" of abortions provided at any time for any reason: Aborted fetal cells in foods, beverages, and vaccines; victims of sex-trafficking and incest get "taken care of" while their perpetrators aren't reported or arrested so can continue doing what they do. There's more, of course, but that's enough for now. 

The information is out there about each of the above, despite naysayers.

    We wanted to call abortion a woman's right to have for any reason and at any time, including full-term. We even called it health care, even when neither the mother's health or the baby's is in jeopardy. So God is giving us leaders who make sure we get what we asked for or have allowed by commission or omission.

    Here's my admission: Until Jesus called me to repent and receive Him as Savior and Lord, I never gave abortion much thought. I have friends who've had them--I didn't condemn them then and still don't (that's not my right as a follower of Jesus, though He's charged His followers to call sin a sin). 

    Deception perpetrated by the Adversary has caused all of us to stumble or fall at least once, if we're willing to be honest. At one point, I was all in on the New Age deception that eternal souls were incarnating and changing their minds or knew they'd be aborted and that's all of physical life they wanted. Whatever the deception, no longer can I look at a precious newborn or infant (or photo of one) without, first, a "reality reel" running at high speed in my mind. 

    Is what's written here offensive to you? More offensive than what is being done to healthy babies in the womb, and even once outside the womb? For any who don't agree with God's commandments about this, Isaiah 44:18 comes to mind:


    We did this to ourselves. God forgive us. And, if you want God's forgiveness, HE'S ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU. [See the ABC's of Salvation under this next image.]

Psalm 8:3-4 CJB says

(3) When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and stars that you set in place —
(4) what are mere mortals, that you concern yourself with them;
humans, that you watch over them with such care?




  1. Joyce, you have such a beautiful way of telling truth. Any honest person with a functioning intellect must understand and abhor abortion for the evil that it is. If this opens the eyes of just one woman on the brink of committing this horrendous sin, God has used you to effect a miracle. Thank you for writing this.
